• 966 13 847 3288
  • sales@s3c.com.sa
  • 1st Industrial City, Dammam,31521, KSA


S3C’s expertise can also be used to custom apply a coating from world-leading protective and corrosion-coatings suppliers to the customer’s own product. Our technical service facility is always available for customers who need advice on which generic type of coating should be used for a specific application.

At the S3C facility in the First Industrial City of Dammam, we offer batch powder coating, abrasive blasting, paint booths for applying all types of liquids coatings, and state-of-the-art curing ovens

Our outstanding reputation and track record set us far above our competitors, evidenced by the continued expansion of our industrial customer-base; whose own company well-being often depends on S3C’s ability to meet immediate and unexpected demands.

With S3C’s excellent handling and quality control facilites our customers can be assured on the same fast response and quality of the service that is provided in our field based activities.



Poly Vinyl Chloride

Themosetting Epoxy

Super Durable Industrial Polyester

Super Durable Architectural Polyester

Fusion Bonded Epoxy

Standard Polyester

Hybrid Durable Industrial Powder

Super Durable Industrial Epoxy Powder

PPA Industrial Coating

PVF PolyVinlidene DiFluoride

DURACOAT Composite Ceramic Flourcarbon

DURALINE Thin Film Matrix Fluorocarbon

HBEPU High Build Epoxy/Polyurethane

HBE High Build Epoxy

XYLAN MTR Mould Tool Release

Waterborne & Solvent-Free Protective 

Coating Systems

General Industrial Coating Systems

S3C also produce complimentary coated products including DURA-COAT AND DURA-LINE for use in corrosive and abrasive locations. These are a range of coated and lined pipe systems for conveying raw water, sweet water, chemicals, hydrocarbons, corrosive and abrasive fluids and slurries etc. A complete range of PVC coated, explosion proof electrical conduits and conduit fittings complete the package and, in addition , the company an apply a wide range of protective coatings and linings to customers own materials including cable trays and strut, fencing hardware architectural aluminum and steelwork, valves, pumps etc.